Archive | February 2022


My ex husband always liked to say that if a woman had her nails done and her toes done (basically a mani pedi) you could tell that her boyfriend or husband was neglecting her.

He never liked it if I did my own nails much less go to a salon and have them done because based on his belief that would mean I was neglected.

The irony is; yes I was indeed neglected. You can’t have that many affairs and mistresses and still actually pay attention to your wife – the one who was foolish enough to marry you.

The cool thing now? I get my nails done when I want because I like it. Hubs likes it when I’m happy and when I do things that make me happy.


Time flies whether you’re having fun or not.

I started this entry in January of this year and it is now November 10, and I never got back to it. I now have 2 bengal kittens, I picked up a little brother for Gizmo named Hobbes. He came home the weekend before Labor Day. That little porker is already bigger than Gizmo was at this age…. He’s going to turn into a little big monster kitty.

So far 40 going into 41 means my arthritis gives me 48 hours advance notice of rain or snow. It means my back hurts when it rains now. I’m more silver than raven haired (which I’m ok with). I am giving up coloring my hair and I’m going to let the witches streak at my right temple come out.

Covid isn’t going anywhere any time soon. In spite of that I took this week off for the first bit of time off I’ve had in 3 years. It didn’t quite go as planned because Gizmo decided to have a pretty good vaccine reaction and was vomiting and not eating last weekend I was working, so Monday and Tuesday were spent back and forth at the vet to make sure he was ok. He’s ok – he’s eating like it’s going out of style. He’s already nearly 7 pounds and not quite 5 months old yet! He’s gonna be a big boy!

I got a bengal kitten – he came home right after Thanksgiving last year. He’s a cuddly joy.

Hubs is doing well – he came home early Tuesday because I was so tired from Gizmo going back and forth. He picked up my baby so I could nap. Such a good hubs. We’ll be celebrating 9 years wedding anniversary this year. Ten years together – time flies!