Archive | February 2012

Lunar new year, and other happenings

My life is a whirl.

Found a house, didn’t get it. <– I was sad. Still looking, paying off debt, and being obsessive with yarn. Being ADD and starting new projects at the drop of a hat. At the moment I have 2 small shawls, a scarf, and another shawl on needles… and contemplating starting a jacket. I really do need to finish one of these before I start on another. @_@

I have a Valentine this year. It’s an interesting feeling since I haven’t had one in a while. I am working this V-day, and as such am making sugar cookies for the work family (I slacked and didn’t make cookies for Christmas, and I’ve been persuaded to make them by my fans). =)

Having a valentine feels nice, and it also brings up old worries. Will I be able to communicate and be upfront with how I’m feeling and then express them? It’s always going to be a concern.

A good friend told me to just enjoy myself and not worry. He’s correct.

Wisdom finds you in unexpected places sometimes.