Archive | December 2017

Holiday reflections

I used to try to do a yearly introspective/summary but sometimes life, and my mental state prevent me. I’m generally a fairly motivated person but it’s been lacking for the last few years.

As far as my sister in law goes, she’s going. She continues to contact my husband but as I said before, I am no longer pressing him to respond back. It’s draining and she takes and takes without giving back. I’m making peace with the fact she is who she is, and that it’s ok I choose to to no longer be involved.

In other news I realized I haven’t had a fever blister outbreak in several years now. Stress was definitely a factor and with not so new hubby there is very little stress, or how I handle it is better, or both! My health has actually been quite good, and except for the eczema thanks to this frigid weather I’m doing well.

Husby and I will have been together 6 years on New years and married for 5 the beginning of April. It really doesn’t feel like it to me at least, it honestly does feel like we just got married yesterday. Time flies when you’re having fun. 🙂

Our puppies will be 1 next week on the 4th of December. They’ve come a long way from being the cute fluffballs we brought home on my birthday. They are turning out to be very good boys and definitely help me take a step back at times to just breathe.

Next year is already slated to bring a slew of new changes, after already getting puppies and changing jobs this year. Hopefully I’ll be ready for it when it happens!

Happy Holidays everyone!